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How to Schedule & Restore Backups on the VPS Control Panel

How to Schedule Backups in the VPS Control Panel

Ensuring your data is backed up regularly is crucial for maintaining the integrity and availability of your services. This guide will walk you through the steps to schedule backups for your Virtual Private Server (VPS) in the Control Panel.


Access the Control Panel:
- Open your preferred web browser and navigate to the Control Panel.

Select Your VPS:
- From the dashboard, locate your VPS and click on the Manage button to access its management options.

Navigate to Backups:
- Within the management interface, go to the Backups tab.

Backups Tab - VPS Control Panel

Schedule Backups:
- Click on the Schedule button.

Schedule Tab - VPS Control Panel

Select Backup Frequency:
- For daily backups, press on the Daily button and select the preferred time when the backup should start.
- For weekly backups, press on the Weekly button and select the preferred days and times when the backup should start.

Schedule Backups - VPS Control Panel

Save Settings:
- Click on the Update button to save your settings for backups.

Restore a Backup:
- If you need to restore a backup, press on the Restore button.
- Wait for the process to finish. Your VPS will be reverted to the backup snapshot. Please use this function carefully.

Restore Backup - VPS Control Panel

Need Help?

Should you require further assistance, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at: FREAKHOSTING Support.

Updated on: 22/05/2024

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