Articles on: FiveM

How to Add a Custom Logo to Your FiveM Server

Make your FiveM server stand out on the server list by adding a custom logo. This can attract more players and make your server easy to spot. Here's a simple guide to help you through the process:

1. Get Your Logo Ready
First, create or pick out a logo for your FiveM server. It's best to use a PNG file format with a size of 96x96 pixels. This makes sure it looks good and works well with the FiveM server list.

2. Upload Your Logo
Put your logo file in the main folder of your server (for example, "/home/container"). You can name the file whatever you want, just remember the name for later. Let's say you name it "myLogo.png".

3. Change the Server Settings
To show your logo on the FiveM server list, you need to tweak your server's settings file. Look for a line that says "#load_server_icon myLogo.png" in the file. If it's not there, add it in.

Replace "myLogo.png" with the actual name of your logo file. Take out the "#" symbol at the start of the line so it reads "load_server_icon myLogo.png". This tells the server to use your logo.

4. Save and Restart
Save the changes to your settings file and restart your FiveM server. When it's back up, your custom logo will appear on the FiveM server list. This helps your server stand out and attract more players.


Adding a custom logo to your FiveM server is a simple way to personalize it and draw in new players. Just follow these steps to upload and display your logo, and watch your server become more popular in the FiveM community.

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Updated on: 09/03/2024

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