Articles on: FiveM

How to Install Mods on Your FiveM Server

How to Install Mods on Your FiveM Server

This knowledge base article will guide you through the process of installing mods on your FiveM server. Whether you're using the FREAKHOSTING Game Panel or external tools like Filezilla or WinSCP, we've got you covered. Follow the steps below to enhance your server with exciting new features, vehicles, maps, and more.

Understanding FiveM Mods

FiveM is a multiplayer modification framework for Grand Theft Auto V, allowing users to play on customized multiplayer servers. Mods can include vehicles, scripts, maps, and other assets that enhance or change the game experience. It's important to ensure that you are downloading mods from reputable sources to avoid any issues.

Accessing Your Server

Using the FREAKHOSTING Game Panel

Login to the Game Panel:
- Visit FREAKHOSTING Game Panel and log in with your credentials.

Navigate to Your FiveM Server:
- Select your FiveM server from the list of available servers.

Access the File Manager:
- Use the File Manager feature to view and manage your server files directly through the web interface.

Using Filezilla or WinSCP

Download and Install an FTP Client:
- How to Install & Use FileZilla for Game Panel
- How to Install & Use Winscp for Game Panel

Connect to Your Server:
- Open your FTP client and enter your server’s SFTP details (provided in the FREAKHOSTING Game Panel under SFTP details).
- Connect to the server to access your files.

Finding Mods

There are several websites where you can find mods for your FiveM server. Some of the most popular include:
- FiveM Forums

Ensure that the mods you download are compatible with FiveM and are from reputable sources to avoid any issues.

Installing Mods

Vehicle Mods

Download the Vehicle Mod:
- Extract the downloaded files to a temporary location on your computer.

Add the Vehicle Files to Your Server:
- Using Game Panel: Upload the files via the File Manager to the resources folder.
- Using FTP Client: Navigate to the resources folder and upload the extracted files.

Create or Edit __resource.lua File:
- In the vehicle mod folder, ensure a __resource.lua file is present with the following content:
resource_manifest_version '77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5'

     files {

     data_file 'HANDLING_FILE' 'handling.meta'
     data_file 'VEHICLE_METADATA_FILE' 'vehicles.meta'
     data_file 'CARCOLS_FILE' 'carcols.meta'
     data_file 'VEHICLE_VARIATION_FILE' 'carvariations.meta'
     data_file 'DLC_TEXT_FILE' 'dlctext.meta'
     data_file 'VEHICLE_LAYOUTS_FILE' 'vehiclelayouts.meta'

Update server.cfg File:
- Add the following line to your server.cfg to start the vehicle mod:
start myvehicle

Script Mods

Download the Script Mod:
- Extract the downloaded files to a temporary location.

Add the Script Files to Your Server:
- Using Game Panel: Upload the files via the File Manager to the resources folder.
- Using FTP Client: Navigate to the resources folder and upload the extracted files.

Create or Edit __resource.lua File:
- In the script mod folder, ensure a __resource.lua file is present with the necessary content, typically:
resource_manifest_version '44febabe-d386-4d18-afbe-5e627f4af937'

     client_scripts {

     server_scripts {

Update server.cfg File:
- Add the following line to your server.cfg to start the script mod:
start myscript

Map Mods

Download the Map Mod:
- Extract the downloaded files.

Add the Map Files to Your Server:
- Using Game Panel: Upload the files via the File Manager to the resources folder.
- Using FTP Client: Navigate to the resources folder and upload the extracted files.

Create or Edit __resource.lua File:
- In the map mod folder, ensure a __resource.lua file is present with the following content:
resource_manifest_version '77731fab-63ca-442c-a67b-abc70f28dfa5'

     this_is_a_map 'yes'

Update server.cfg File:
- Add the following line to your server.cfg to start the map mod:
start mymap

Configuring Your Server

After adding the mods, ensure your server configuration is correct:
- Restart your server from the Game Panel.
- Check for any errors in the server console during startup.
- Adjust settings within the mods as necessary for compatibility and performance.

Testing the Mods

After installing and configuring the mods:
Launch your FiveM server.
Join your server as a player.
Test each mod individually:
- Ensure vehicles spawn correctly.
- Test scripts for functionality.
- Explore new map areas.


If you encounter issues:
- Check for Typing Errors:
- Ensure all file names and paths are correct.
- Review Server Logs:
- Look for error messages in the server console.
- Check Mod Compatibility:
- Ensure mods are compatible with your version of FiveM.
- Consult Documentation:
- Refer to mod-specific installation guides and forums.


Installing mods on your FiveM server hosted by FREAKHOSTING can significantly enhance your gameplay experience. By following this guide, you can ensure that mods are installed correctly and your server runs smoothly. Always remember to back up your server before making changes and test each mod thoroughly to avoid conflicts. Enjoy your customized FiveM experience!

For further assistance, feel free to reach out to our support team or consult additional resources online. Happy gaming!

Updated on: 26/05/2024

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